domingo, junio 12, 2005


What can do three Grecian, three French people, one German and one Spanish in Prague? Then the same things do all tourist people in this city: visit the city centre, take some beer in a terrace close to the river seeing the sunset, eat in some fast-foot point, drink more beer, going to some club, sleep a little bit in a cheep hostel, eat in some restaurant traditional food from Check Republic, going to walk in the castle, do some photos with the guard of the castle, more beer, walking around the city, shopping (shops open in Sunday!), dinner in a pizzeria and drink more and more beer.

The price in this city are really cheap: food 5€, hostel 13€/night, tobacco 1.8€, ½ litter of beer 1€!! But the problem is that in this country don’t have €uros, but they have Check Crones (1€ = 30Crones) and is a good thing to try to deceive to the tourist people. In the street there are a lot of homeless, prostitutes and people selling drugs and thousand and thousand of tourists, more than I prefer.

Actually is a city that live from/to the tourism. A lot of people go to this city to pass a “strong weekend” for smoke a drink without pay a lot of money. The city is really beautiful, especially the castle area with a good view, but don’t have more especial attractive things for me apart if you like the marionettes and the classical music. I found a lot similar things that I can see in the tourist places in Barcelona. It’s not really especial city for me. The best thing is that I can enjoy this trip with nice people around Europe and it’s always a marvellous experience.

5 comentarios:

Anónimo dijo...

uffffff...que dominio del inglés, cuando vuelvas no sabrás hablar castellano...Bego

Anónimo dijo...

Yo ni inglès, ni alemán,... :(
Volem versió en castellà!

PD: Bueno, en italià tb val... :P

Anónimo dijo...

si vols també te l'escric en català!!! pensa que et va bé per practicar l´anglés!

Anónimo dijo...

Je veux tes comentaires en français... tu est très bon ami et je pense que tu peux ça faire.

Tu deux penser, que je t'aime et je veux faire des très jolies choses avec toi. Et ce soir, que veux tu faire???

mmmmmmmmm..... mon amour!!!

Anónimo dijo...

Ei, i la francesa??
Diu el que s'entén? T'està tirant los trastos!!
O no?